Safeguard Your Heritage

“Children are a heritage from the Lord…” – Psalms 127:3 (NIV)

The Good News Bible says, “Children are a gift from the Lord…”. What do we do with gifts? We appreciate gifts and what is given to us and are delighted when we receive them. 

Let us examine the word heritage. Heritage means long-lasting, to go on, to continue what was established, something that’s valued. So God has given us our children for our generation of goodness to go on perpetually. Moreover, we need to appreciate them, be delighted with them, and value them. When we do so, our children go forth in confidence, recognising that they have the support and love of their parents. This confidence generates good deeds and good fruit.

We see Jehoshaphat’s example in 2 Chronicles 17, where he followed the ways of his father, Asa. In protecting his people, Jehoshaphat prayed for God’s guidance and instructed the people to fast 2 Chronicles 20. He recognised that God was bigger than any situation and encouraged his people to trust God, for the battle was (and is always) the Lord’s. He was from David’s lineage.

Thus, in living our lives, our desire should be to have that good heritage passed on from generation to generation. Although it is a battle, remember, the battle is the Lord’s. The Lord has to build, for we cannot do it on our own. Some of our children will be wayward as Jehoshaphat’s children were, but we see the re-emergence of the good heritage as Joash, a lineage of Jehoshaphat, walked in the ways of his foreparents. It does behove us to teach and safeguard God-inspired legacy.


Father God, help us today to recognise that children are a heritage of You. They are our good gifts – to be cherished and loved so that the goodness of our generation will go on to live in service to You. Amen.

Read: Proverbs 13:22; Ephesians 1:13-14

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 12:18-27; John 11:45-57; John 12:1-11; 1 Samuel 5; 1 Samuel 6; 1 Samuel 7

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